Tuesday, May 27, 2008

For Mildred

For those who don't have Facebook, and for Mildred, who didn't get to see the pictures over the weekend, here is a collection of random photos from Uganda....enjoy!

The "fantastic four" (Becca, Danielle, Sharon, and me) at a resort we spent the afternoon at in Rwanda

Brooke, the IMME leader, and me
The main building we had classes in

The IMME room on campus. Since we didn't have dorm rooms like the rest of the students, all twelve of us spent the majority of our on-campus time in these two little rooms...quite convenient and a great place for bonding (aka, the famous music videos!)

The entire group of USP students on our last day

Cooking goulash for my host family on an outdoor portable coal stove!

Birthdays traditions: In Uganda it is apparently a tradition to pour water on the person whose birthday it is....and they thought they should continue that tradition even in Rwanda, so as you can see, I'm soaked.

Inside of a mass grave at one of the Rwanda Genocide Memorial museums. This one was outside of a church. You actually walk underground inside the mass grave and see rows and rows (probably thousands) of skulls and bones....and you are right there with them...no glass to separate you from them.

The clothing that remains at the genocide site

We stopped at a rock formation site and toured it....and of course, as was true anywhere we went, the children who lived nearby followed us

Danielle, Sharon and me "climbing" the mountain at Sipi Falls

Oh the lovely mosquito nets....

A stop at the equator: The fantastic four and V-money

Mudding/building a home for the pygmies! One of our favorite experiences of the entire semester!

Beautiful scenary from campus

The Way of the Cross on Good Friday

My wonderful "shower" room during rural homestays

Matoke, pre-cooking

Yep....I ate that....and it was DELICIOUS!

Just one of the gorgeous views of campus...

My host mom running the "printing press." It usually started around 3:30am and made a loud clicking noise about every five seconds. She was the school's secretary and did all of its printing from home...

Julie, Mom, Dad, and Nathan greeted me at the airport when I finally arrived... the sign says "Welcome Back Betsy! A warn shower, running water, and a cold glass of milk await you!" And she actually had a bottle of COLD water and homemade chocolate chip cookies waiting for me!


SentimentsbyDenise said...

Betsy - I have to say that your assortment of photos on this post are very interesting. How wonderful that you had the opportunity to experience this!
Thanks for sharing!


Hannah Riggs said...

what a good big sister, huh? I love you girls, miss you both!