Saturday, August 23, 2008


I've now been back at Olivet for one week due to student teaching stuff. School starts Wednesday. Now, I must say, I love Olivet and the atmosphere it provides, but part of me wishes my semester abroad could begin all over again. I wish instead of going to class Wednesday I'd be jumping on a plane, meeting 40 new incredible friends from all across America, and traveling 30 hours to arrive in Uganda. The apprehension felt in the time leading up to departure, the nervousness felt as I met new people and arrived at my new host family's home, and the fear that overcame me the minute I was alone with them would all be worth it if I could just go back again. But for now, I suppose the giant Uganda flag and pictures from the semester that are covering my apartment walls, the occasional emails from my host sister telling me hilarious stories learned at school, just like old times, and my poor attempts at making rice, g-nut sauce, and chapatis will have to do. Uganda, "Nja kusalirwa!" (Uganda, I miss you)