Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Oh how I miss toilets!

Well, I'm going to give this blogging thing a shot, we'll see how it goes. This is our second day of classes in Uganda and so far I've had one. Yesterday both of my classes were canceled because the professors did not show up. Apparently that's pretty common for the first week of class. I had my first class this morning- intro to Christian missions. I think I'm really going to enjoy it. It's taught by two English missionaries who seem like amazing people. This afternoon I have Faith and Action in the Ugandan context, taught by our program leader. I think classes here will certainly be different. For one thing, an 80% is an A-, and a 50% is a C-. Don't feel like you're missing out though...according to our prof, that just means it's that much harder. I feel the homework may be a challenge, though, since I'm living with a family for the semester. They told us to plan on finishing all of our homework here before going home since our family wants us with them at all times, not in our own room doing work. So my usual trend, starting papers at 11:00 PM the night before they are due is really no longer an option. It will take some getting used to.

For those of you on my email list, things with my family have not gotten much better but I know I'm there for a reason. I try not to drink too much while I'm at home because urinating in front of my sisters in our bucket does not seem that appealing to me, but they have no problem with it. I assume I'll have to at some point. I have used the squatty potty outside, but we are only allowed to use it when it's light outside. Showering from the bucket really isn't that bad, though I obviously don't feel quite as clean. basically we just sit in awkward silence all night and occasionally watch tv.

I guess instead of writing paragraphs I'll just make a list of things I miss, and things I've noticed. I don't even know who reads this thing, but just in case anyone does, I'll try and update it once in a while.

Things I've learned while in Uganda so far:
1. Pants= underwear. The word for our type of pants here is trousers
2. Using a squatty potty takes some real talent!
3. Ugandans don't really sleep. Ever. They went to bed at 1:30 this morning and the tv was blaring again by 4:30. And besides that the roosters crow at every hour of the night, not just in the morning, and if it rains the cows moo like crazy!

Things I miss:
2. Ice- everything here is served hot, or at least at room temperature. It seems so ironic that bathing water can be so cold, yet drinking water is always warm.
3. Personal space- My suitcase is literally on the floor in the middle of our bedroom and will most likely be there for the next 4 months as there are four of us the room and no space whatsoever.

Well, I need to work on homework and then head to lunch. I love it here, in Africa, and especially at school. I'm sure home will get better eventually, but for now all I can do is take it a day at a time. More to come later, I'm sure!

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