Wednesday, October 13, 2010

8 months overdue

Well, I am almost certain no one reads this any longer, since I have been home from Uganda for nearly eight months now, but for some reason I decided to update. So here are my thoughts on the last 8 months:

God always has a plan, and His plan always works out.

That really about sums it up. I came home from Uganda unexpectedly, and for quite some time, I wanted nothing but to be back in that beautiful country, the culture that undoubtedly will hold a place in my heart forever. It was a struggle to find friends, to feel connected, and to re-associate myself with the American culture. I missed everything about Uganda--from the food to the friends to the crazy boda rides through traffic. I still do. I believe part of me will always miss that place. However, very soon after I came home, my mom had shoulder surgery and could not cook, clean, shower, dress, etc. She needed extra help, and because I was home early, I was able to provide that help. Soon after that I became reacquainted with some old friends at church, made some new friends, and began to live a "normal" life again. I applied for over thirty teaching jobs, and one random organization that serves developmentally disabled adults. Not one of the 30+ teaching applications lead anywhere, but God lead me to the organization for the disabled adults. I was skeptical at first, but it was a job, and I needed one. Despite my doubts, I LOVED the job from day one. Sure, I got bit and hit, had things thrown at me, and had my hair pulled, but I love it. Yesterday that company closed, but God provided again, and I'm currently still working with the same clients at the new company.

My heart ultimately longs to be back in Africa, but in the meantime, I'm thankful to have wonderful friends and a job that I look forward to each day, and I am most of all thankful that even when things don't work out as we expect them to, God's plans are perfect, and He knows what He's doing.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Love the update thanks!