Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Seven weeks and counting

July 29-August 1- travel to Uganda (not official, I just know when orientation is, and it is recommended we come a few days earlier)
August 3- Orientation at Heritage International School
August 10- First day of classes with students
June 2,2010- last day of classes

That's about as much as I know about the upcoming year. I'm slowly discovering new information each day, but there are certainly still many unknowns. In the seven weeks or so before I leave, there is quite an overwhelming to-do list in preparation for the upcoming year:

-Lesson plans to prepare (4 classes per day = 20 lesson plans per week of teaching)
-"Uganda-appropriate Teaching clothes" to buy
-Tons of paperwork to fill out for both the school and World Gospel Mission (the organization I'm going through)
-Write/send out support letters
-Complete the nearly impossible task of making a packing list, and then purchase everything on it
- Figure out how to defer loans
- Continue to ask questions, as so much information is still unknown
- Find and purchase "math teaching supplies"
- Read the giant World Gospel Mission orientation manual

And the list surely goes on, with items I haven't thought of yet. It all feels a little overwhelming at the moment, as all of the information has started to come in and I am coming to the realization that I am actually going to Uganda for a year, and am leaving in about seven weeks. So much to do, so little time, but that's usually how life seems to go, and we always manage to get it all done somehow. Time sure does fly by, though. I'm sure the next seven weeks will be no exception, and I will be on a plane to Uganda in no time at all. Crazy, overwhelming, and scary, but oh-so-exciting!

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