Wednesday, May 13, 2009

To go, or not to go?

It is likely that by this time next week, I will have an official offer from Heritage International School, a Christian missionary school in Kampala, Uganda. They'll offer me $500/month for what they say will only cover housing, and I will have to raise enough money to support myself in every other expense for the year. They want me to teach 7-12 grade. Six different math classes, six different lesson plans each day. I have no idea if this is what I'm supposed to do/if this is what God really wants for me. All I know to do is pray, and I've been doing that, so I guess we'll see where it leads me.

Missionary teaching has always been on my heart.
Sharon is moving there, too (in other words, I'd have a best friend nearby).
Uganda Christian University is close by (aka, the leaders I grew to love are near)

Support raising could be difficult in today's economy
Six separate math classes is quite a lot to handle for a first year teacher, even according to experienced math profs at ONU!
I'd be making nothing, meaning when I came back, my student loans would still be here, and would have increased due to interest

There's probably many more in both of those categories, but those came off the top of my head. I've always heard God is not a God of confusion, but I must say, I really have no idea in this case. For now, I guess I just keep praying, and waiting, and trusting that He'll lead me where I need to go.

1 comment:

SentimentsbyDenise said...

Betsy - If this is where God wants you, the money will be available for you to go, even in this economy.
Let me know if you do go, I'd love to support you!
I'll join you in prayer as you seek God's perfect plan in this.
